SABL Campaign Updates

Locals want to revoke land lease

Source: The National

LANDOWNERS in Turubu, East Sepik, are calling on the Government to revoke the Special Agriculture and Business Lease on their land.

Spokesman Gabriel Molok said there had not been any oil palm development in the area in the six years since the lease was granted.

Molok said the people had not seen any tangible development but only damage caused by logging.

He said the lease covering Turubu known as Portion 144C was granted to Sepik Oil Palm Plantation Limited in September 2008 for oil palm development.

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Westpac PNG Among Australian Banks accused of land grabs and illegal logging

Source: Radio Australia

Leading Australian banks are financing companies accused of land grabbing, child labour and illegal logging, according to an Oxfam report released today. 

Leading Australian banks are financing companies accused of land grabbing, child labour and illegal logging, according to an Oxfam report released today.

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Turubu Locals Awaiting Promised Development

Source: EMTV

The people of Turubu in East Sepik are still awaiting the development of the promised Oil Palm Project.

This was announced by Chairman of the Turubu Eco Forestry, Gabriel Molok, at the Oxfam International Press Conference in Port Moresby today.  

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Loggers plan to clear 20 percent of tropical island paradise

By Jeremy Hance at 

Rainforest tree on Woodlark Island. Photo by: Simon Piyuwes.

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SABLs should be removed from PNG Land Act says expert

From ABC Radio Australia

The Commission of Inquiry into Special Agricultural and Business leases criticised many of the companies involved in back-door logging activities in PNG.

But it also laid the finger of blame for the situation on corrupt government officials and local brokers who facilitated the land deals.

Dr Colin Filer, Convenor of the Australian National University's Resource Management in Asia-Pacific program has spent many decades studying land issues in Papua New Guinea.

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Australian Banks accused of financing illegal activities!

By the National Reporting Team's Sam Clark, source: "ABC Radio Australia"

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Australian banks can't turn a blind eye to money trail

Helen Szoke CEO Oxfam Australia writing in the Sydney Morning Herald

Australia's big four banks have a duty of care to the community, whether in Australia or overseas.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis 

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Locals claim logging polluting waterways

By BENNY GETENG, Post Courier

MORE than 1000 people in New Ireland Province might be affected as their only water source is being polluted by logging operations in the area, they claim.

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Is PNG's government committed to tackling corruption?

From Radio New Zealand

A Papua New Guinea MP has been jailed for corruption and the Government is to set up a corruption commission but just how committed is it to ending the prevasive practice.

This month's jailing of a Papua New Guinea MP for misuse of public funds has highlighted the country's struggles with systemic corruption.

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Rimbunan Hijau evicts Bumbu residents in Lae

Photo: Bumbu eviction site

From PNG Exposed

Thirty houses in the Bumbu settlement in Lae were forcibly removed and the families evicted 2 months ago with all the trees bulldozed. The residents are now living in tents, waiting for a better response from the company involved and the government.

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