
How economic growth has become anti-life

An obsession with growth has eclipsed our concern for sustainability, justice and human dignity. But people are not disposable – the value of life lies outside economic development

Source: Vandana Shiva in The Guardian UK

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MPs and Political Parties failure to provide Financial Returns: A Sign of Institutional Weakness?

Gande James* | NRI Commentary

The Office of the Registrar of Political Parties and Candidates has finally decided to take a tough stand by referring 23 elected Members of Parliament (MPs) to the PNG Ombudsman Commission. The MPs failed after several notices were issued to submit their financial returns within three months after the date they were declared successful and the return of writs.

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Print Media controlled by those who PAY


The two dailies are owned by foreign interest, foreign corporate interest to be specific. Papua New Guinea does not own a daily, one that is at least controlled by a Papua New Guinean, one that reports issues of interest to Papua New Guinea and Papua New Guineans. What is reported instead is merely what sells, what suits the interests of those who control these entities and that which does not in anyway conflict with the interests of the stakeholders that influence the output of these entities.

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ICAC bill to be tabled in November

By ISAAC NICHOLAS in the Post Courier

The Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill will be introduced during the November session of Parliament and the anti-graft body should be set up as early as March next year, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said yesterday.

Speaking on FM100 Talkback, the Prime Minister said the first reading will come in on the November 13 sitting and the second and final reading in February next year.

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On Our Land: A Story of Land Grabbing in PNG

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On Our Land: New documentary film about the SABL land grab

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Turubu landowners want justice to be done over the land title issue


FRUSTRATION has build up for landowners in Turubu LLG whose land has been the subject of Special Agriculture Business Lease (SABL) in East Sepik Province.




Photo: Landowners gathering in Mundawin village for the meeting to put pressure on relevant authorities to give back their land title on portion 144c in Turubu LLG in East Sepik on Monday. Pihoto: JIMMY KALEBE.

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PM stop the corruption: Save our land and livelihoods

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ICAC law ready

Source: Post Courier

The proposed Constitutional Amendment to establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has been certified, gazetted and will be tabled in Parliament by the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill during the November session.

This was announced by Chief Secretary to Government Sir Manasupe Zurenuoc yesterday at his Morauta Haus office.

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What triggered off the rapid issuance of SABLs in PNG?

By Nalau Bingeding*

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