
On the rise: Morobe's people driven cooperatives

Gold and silver will give you money but nothing is richer than the happiness that comes without damaging the environment that sustains you. Agricultural has always been the best method of sustaining our families, providing cash incomes and driving economic growth.

Moreover, we can do it ourselves, we are experts of our own land. No wonder these people look far happier than those poor souls at Porgera.

Boys spreading the coccoa at the Lower Watut Cocca Cooperative

Source: My Land My Country blog

The Lower Watut Coccoa Cooperative is set to become the next biggest agriculture movement in the Morobe Province. Each month, the 16 cluster groups produce an average of 30 bags each ranking in about K200, 000 when coccoa prices are good. Even without road access, it is estimated that about 2 million kina in cash circulates within the lower Watut Area.