
Commission of Inquiry on SABL commences in Kiunga, Western Province

The PNG Government sanctioned Commission of Inquiry (CoI) hearing into the issuance of the Special Purpose Agriculture and Business Lease (SABL) commenced in Kiunga, Western Province on Wednesday, 16/11/2011.

The inquiry, which was supposed to have started on Monday (14/11/2011), was delayed due to Air Niugini not able to fly all the equipment and staff of the Inquiry into Kiunga on time. The hearing is being presided over by Commissioner Mr. Mirou.

The hearing room at the Kiunga Vocational Training Centre, was packed to capacity with Landowners when Commissioner Mirou (pictured) began the proceedings on Wednesday by explaining the purpose of the Commission of Inquiry.

Mr. Mirou said in his opening remarks the Commission of Inquiry was required by the Government to report on whether or not processes and procedures were followed by respective Government Departments in issuing the SABLs. In particular, Commissioner Mirou said the Commission wanted to establish whether all the Landowners consented to the issuance of the SABLs and whether or not they were duly informed of the implications of the SABLs before signing the documents.

Commissioner Mirou added that the Commission was aware of the existence of nine (9) SABLs in the Western Province and encouraged people to come forward and inform the Commission if there were any other SABLs within the province which the Commission may not have been made aware of, signifying the fact that no proper records were being kept by the relevant Government Agencies. The 9 SABLs which the Commission is aware of are:


SABL Grantee


Tumu Timbers Development Limited


Ia-Ali Investments Limited


Mudau Investment Limited


Godoa Land Group Inc.


Haubawe Holdings Limited


Foifoi Limited


Tosigiba Investments Limited


North East West Investments Limited


North East West Investments Limited

It was evident from the reaction from the crowd at the hearing that there were disgruntled landowners who had come to the hearing hoping to be heard. However, Commissioner Mirou said that only those who had been summoned by the Commission would be required to give evidence. He however asked different landowner factions and groups, with the assistance of the Police to appoint a spokesperson whom, if required by the Commission during the course of the hearing, may give evidence for and on behalf of their respective groups. In the meantime, Mr. Jim Bokomi, Lawyer assisting the Commissioner, summoned Messers Iman Ite Papa, Acting Principal Advisor for the Western Provincial Administration (Summons No. 157) and Ipisa Biyama, District Lands Officer in Balimo (Summons No. 154) who were both present at the Hearing. Mr. Biyama was advised that he would be required to give evidence on Friday (18/11/2011) while Mr. Papa was required to give evidence on Wednesday, the opening day of the Hearing.