
Americans turn to small-scale farming as their model of development fails

Citizens of the United States of America are turning to small-scale farming to survive as their industries collapse, factories close and large-cities crumble. But with no land of their own on which to grow food they are having to reclaim urban spaces and abandoned lots, land which they could lose at any moment.

An amazing new documentary, Urban Roots (see video trailer below), follows the urban farming phenomenon in Detroit where citizen's are facing the daily reality of the failure of their old model of development and are trying to forge a sustainable and prosperous future built on land and the production of food.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has said of the movie:

“Urban Roots is an inspiring film about the emergence of urban farming in Detroit; it shows what’s possible after the collapse of the industrial era and how we begin building a sustainable future for all.”

In Papua New Guinea outside forces like the World Bank, big mining companies and ex-colonial governments like Australia, the EU and the US are still encouraging us to adopt their failed model of neo-liberal economic development.

Along the way they are asking us to give up our land, to give up the cultivation of food and go to work in low paid jobs in giant factories like those of RD Tuna and Frabelle.

What they are not telling us is that this model of development has failed in their own countries and their citizens are returning to the land for a better future.

Lets open our eyes to what is happening overseas and reject the failed policies of the World Bank and big business.