
Alternate Realities of ESM

Alternate realities. Two or more possible realities. Well that’s the way I choose to interpret it. The stuff that science fiction movies are made of. In this case we are talking about science (and a touch of economics) but these realities are a far cry from fiction.

So let’s begin. This reality has that Mista Prime Minista O’Neill and his cabinet have decided that PNG will not wait for further research because the Environmental Impact Assessment carried out by Coffey Natural Systems for Nautilus Inc is relevant and thorough.

To make allowances for this reality we have to disregard a couple of facts:

  1. Nautilus’s EIS (Volume A) report clearly states: “The extent of the impacts to vents and other seafloor habitats directly mined will inevitably be severe at the site scale,” and that “it may be many years before development of chimneys returns to pre-mining conditions (emphasis added).” And mining is expected to alter venting frequency and characteristics on surrounding seafloor areas as well, thus affecting the ecological communities of a much broader scale than just the mined site.(Solwara1EISreveiw).
  2. Bioethics dictates that all resource development should not put any species (regardless of whether they are known, unknown, useful or useless to man) at risk of extinction has to be completely ignored.
  3. Nautilus conducted extensive studies of the deep-sea benthic (bottom dwelling) communities at the site, no systematic study was conducted on the -sea pelagic (water column) community that would be impacted immediately overlying the seafloor.
  4. There was an inadequate assessment of risks associated with sediment and waste rock disposal, toxicity of the dewatering plume to deep-sea organisms, effects of increased light and noise in the deep ocean environment, and potential accidents on seafloor equipment or surface vessels.
  5. The risk for a potential loss of tow or power of an ore shuttle barge in route to Rabaul (the EIS projects 3-9 barge trips per week, with 6,000 tons of toxic ore onboard each transit), or of one of the 25,000 ton bulk ore freighters (3-6 trips per month from Rabaul), and the barge or freighter then drifting ashore spilling its toxic cargo and fuel onto the coastal reef system must not be considered at all.
  6.  Mitigation proposed rely upon Environmental Management Plans and procedures that have yet to be developed by Nautilus

Great! Disregarded? Good. We are completely disregarding all of the above concerns for this reality. 

30 months have passed.....Mista Prime Minista and the government have received OUR millions from Nautilus who have honored every word of the agreement, given the PNG government skel blong ol and taken their billions. YAAAAY! PNG is now officially filthy rich.

Forget about the people around Namatanai and Rabaul, they don't have to see the benefits of the project yet. I mean if Porgera, Ok Tedi, Basamuk, Kurumbakari, Panguna, Lihir people haven't seen much 'development' AND have had to deal with environmental damage in the decades that mines have been on their territory - why should the people of Namatanai and Rabaul complain!

These people have noticed that it is more difficult to catch fish and sharks and dolphins hardly come to visit anymore because of the noise, light and changed water temperature from the project.

There has also been a ‘disease’ noticed in the starfish, seaweed and coral near the coast of Namatanai cased by a rare bacteria that’s normally harmless in its natural (nearer to the seafloor) habitat, after being brought up closer to the surface this bacteria has become lethal and almost wiped out the entire starfish and seaweed population near Namatanai.

 An ‘accident’ has happened where a barge carrying toxic ore and fuel has a leak after some strong winds threw if off course into some coral. The damage done can't be handled by the PNG government, PNGDF etc etc etc. Thousands of fish and other marine life die.


Now the other reality...The one where Mista Prime Minista and his cabinet decide NO! We will wait until further research is carried out, after all the value of these minerals can only increase if the current trend of demand for mineral ore continues. Judging from the last 3 decades this trend will DEFINITELY continue. Mineral resources will not devalue!

This is the reality where all the aspects of experimental seabed mining are carefully researched and all potential risks are accounted for and planned for. This is the reality where the PNG government sorts itself out and begins proper consultation for a legal framework that is relevant and conducive to PNG.

This is the reality where the PEOPLE of PNG win and not some foreign corporation.

Now which reality suits a Papua New Guinean better Mista Prime Minista?