Budget Promising for Health Care 2015

Source: Special Correspondent

The National Government tabled a deficit budget of K2.3 billion for 2015 marking a massive budget rollout, with an expected prosperous economic growth of 15 % percent next year, adding to a predicted surplus budget to carry thorugh to 2018.

The health sector was allocated K1.8 billion with the government promising to continue subsidizing free health care next year at the cost of K20 million. It has also commited support for the creation of four new provincial health authorities in West New Britain, Manus, Enga and Sandaun at a cost of K75.4 million and funding of rural primary health service delivery at K25.2 million.

The budget for next year looks to bring unabated assumptions of increasing service delivery for the health sector.

Nevertheless, health care services are mere disappointments for the people of Ifki Village in Hela.The population in Ifiki have never voted in the National General Elections since Independence. Ifki is remotly located and is accessible by a 30 minute flight out of Tari by a Cessna 202 aircraft operated by Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Otherwise, it is routine to walk the treacherous terrains to Hela, Sandaun or Porgera to access basic health service. The journey is perilous for people, especially women and children and most often adds to the deteriorating health conditions of many who walk to seek care.

MAF has done tremendously well and their aircrafts have given the people of Ifiki all the hope they have to access the outside world, a lifeline and assurance for a modern civilization beyond these mountains. Missionaries have exhausted its capabilities to bring in health care and education to these people. Subsidizing third level airline operations into rural areas, training locals and achieving a consistency in medical health care supplies, will constitue as fair distribution of wealth, well atleast for the Ifiki population.

Picture caption: Aerial view of Ifki Airstrip, which was built in 2012 by locals with 10 spades and 5 digging bars.