PNG population

Population explosion makes protection of customary land vital

By Eddie Tanago

Papua New Guinea’s population is growing at an explosive rate, which makes retaining control of customary land vitally important. Customary land is very valuable. It sustains a huge economy and provides employment for 3 million local farmers. Customary land is also vital for food security and it makes people strong and self-reliant. 

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Aitape Lumi villages send message of opposition to SABL land grab to PM

Vilages in the Aitape Lumi District of West Sepik are sending a message to the Prime Minister they want the SABL land grab reversed and the leases cancelled.

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SABL postcard signing in East Sepik

SABL awareness continues on to the East Sepik Province. More and more people, mostly women and children are signing SABL postcards addressed to the Prime Minister calling for an end to the land grab. Signing has been ongoing in the West Coast area of Araimi, Kotai, Dogur and Makopin villagers.

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New radio advertisement targets PM to push on cancelation of fraudulent leases

A new radio advertisement calling for an end to illegal SABL logging is hitting the airwaves in PNG.

This advert is sponsored by ACT NOW! and is currently playing on the popular YumiFM radio station. 

Stop the SABL land grab now!!

Fraudulent agricultural leases have been used to steal over 5 million hectares of forest from customary owners. That is over 10% of PNG's total land area.

"When will the PM Peter O'Neill revoke the leases and stop the SABLs?"

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