
Manifestations of violence in PNG

By Martyn Namorong*

If someone asked you what violence is, you’d automatically have images of people fighting, husbands beating wives, dogs chasing cats, etc... What if I told you that if you find this article frustrating, boring, insulting, distasteful, shallow, biased, etc...? Then I’ve been violent towards you.

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Pacific Islands Prayer


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LAND: That is what makes us special

By Martyn Namorong*

What is the first question a Papua New Guinean would ask another when they first meet?

“Where are you from?"

This question as innocent as it may sound had major consequences during those days of tribal warfare. For it was forbidden that one should trespass in another’s land or extract resources from it. The penalty was DEATH! That was the Law of the Land.

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Papua New Guinea and multinational corporations

By S. Gigi Aupong

Papua New Guinea is unashamedly dancing to the tune of multinational corporations. We are willing to break our own laws to make money for the rich. 

Sir Arnold Amet has a right to be angry at how colonizers tricked us in the past into giving up our resources for nothing. However, he fails to see that the same thing is still happening in PNG, this time through multinational corporations. 

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