free trade

Free Trade threatens custom land in the Pacific


Source: The Post Courier

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The dangers of the Pacific Free Trade agreement

By Peter Kranz*

THERE HAS BEEN A LOT of self-congratulation in the Australian media about the proposed Asia-Pacific free trade agreement.

But has anyone considered the fine print, and the effect this may have on smaller countries like PNG?

One aspect of the proposal - so far overlooked - is the tightening of corporate interests and increasing their power to sue governments over restrictions on their operations.

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Free trade is not what the Pacific needs

The article below by Nick Dearden argues that African prosperity relies on a wholesale rejection of the western free trade model, which is still being promoted by the USA, Europe and their economic allies like Australia.

Papua New Guinea has recently approved a new Interim Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union and is being pressured by Australia and New Zealand to sign the  Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER).

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