East Sepik

PNG hosts APEC on illicit timber while allowing illegal logging

IMAGE: Map showing new logging roads and tree cover loss in 2017

SOURCE: Global Witness

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Another SABL falls - this time in East Sepik

Court upholds SABL ruling

Source: Daphne Wani in The National (owned by logging company Rimbunan Hijau)

THE Supreme Court has upheld a lower court’s decision of 2014 despite a judicial review application by Sepik Oil Palm Plantation Ltd over a Special Agricultural and Business Lease (SABL).

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Malaysian company signs agreement to log illegal SABL

An agarwood plantation has saved See Goh's Compugates after years of financial losses but is the Chief Executive aware the Marienberg SABL is a fraud?

Source: pngexposed blog

A Malaysian electronics distribution company claims it has signed an agreement to log the 26,000 hectare Marienberg SABL in East Sepik Province.

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Heavy logging continues in Turubu despite court victory

Source: "Red Soil"

The foreign logging company deemed illegal by the National court is still heavily logging down kwila trees and leaving the land barren in Turubu, East Sepik Province. Despite being called out by the court to stop the illegal logging on portion 144C, these Asian thieves have resorted to other ways to continue stealing the kwila trees behind the back of the laws of this land.

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Brief on Frieda and on issues of ownership and control and the pre-emptive rights of the State in resource projects

"… be mindful of the growing disillusionment by the majority of our people and our Land owners in particular about the way we have dealt with the exploitation of our non renewable resources which continues to treat our people as mere spectators in this sector… "

Picture: PNG Mine Watch

Source: PNG Blogs

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Commentator wants all SABLs cancelled

Picture: Mr. Tony Power 

Source: PNG Loop

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MP Keen to develop East Sepik Oil palm

Source: The National

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Turubu Locals Awaiting Promised Development

Source: EMTV

The people of Turubu in East Sepik are still awaiting the development of the promised Oil Palm Project.

This was announced by Chairman of the Turubu Eco Forestry, Gabriel Molok, at the Oxfam International Press Conference in Port Moresby today.  

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Money making 'OUR' way

By Scott Waide


Samap village in Papua New Guinea’s East Sepik province

is like many other places in in the country - isolated and without road access.  It lies in a tiny secluded bay facing the Bismarck Sea. The village houses stand on ancient rickety posts bearing withering sago thatch roofs.

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Major flaws found in Marrienberg SABL deal

Martyn Namorong

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